Tuesday, October 1, 2013

TIME is MONEY: Fast & Inexpensive Fruit Cups!

Now that school is well under way, I hope everyone has settled into a nice routine!  For the most part, we have—though my surprise surgery threw us off for a while.

Do your mornings feel rushed?  Do you find yourself throwing your kid’s lunches together in the morning?  Are you putting the same things in their lunches day-after-day and getting just as bored as they are….or do you find yourself purchasing a variety of “convenience” lunch items at the store (that are vastly more expensive…therefore draining your food budget) ?

Assembling your children’s lunches (or your own) does not need to be such a chore or so expensive if you MASS PRODUCE items!  Think “freezer”!

Premeasured fruit cups at the store are convenient…but oh-so-expensive.  Opening a single can of fruit and dividing into 3 Tupperware containers is less expensive, but occupies more time than the grab-and-go style.  BUTthere is a way to make it MUCH less expensive and just as fast as the grab-and-go style!
TIP: This is a great trick is wonderful if you have picky eaters OR have a child who has allergies!

Here’s HOW:

  1. Purchase LARGE cans of fruit—(think coffee can).   Sometimes pre-diced fruit is available…thus saving you time!  Places like Costco, Sam’s Club, Cash-n-Carry, and restaurant supply stores carry these large cans of fruit.
  2. Pull out your muffin tins and fill them up with your favorite combination of fruit…to the top!
  3. Freeze until FIRM!  (think—one day)
    Please excuse my messy freezer & notice the muffin tin on top freezing for the day....
  4. Fill the bottom of your kitchen sink with approximately one inch of warm water.
  5. Take your muffin tin from the freezer and place in your kitchen sink for approximately 1 minute.
  6. Use a knife and gently remove from the tin.  (If it doesn’t easily move, place muffins tin back in the kitchen sink for another minute and try again.)
  7. Place each frozen cup in its own sandwich fold top baggie.  (They are in their own individual baggie so they won’t stick to one another! )
  8. Place all the bagged up cups inside a gallon Ziploc bag, labeled with the date and contents, and place in your freezer!
  9. For Lunches:  Take a baggie out of the freezer.  Dump the contents into a Tupperware.  Put the lid on and place in your lunchbox.  It will thaw and be ready for consumption at lunch time--just like you took it straight out of the freezer!
    Can you tell I got a new camera?  (I took the other pictures last spring!)
 Happy Pinching Pennies...

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